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  • Writer's pictureBeck Boon

A humble building unlocking Busubi's future

A brick building with solar panels surrounded by green grass and treet

Kilungi nnyo. 😍

A long awaited photo update of Busubi Empowered Communities Learning Centre.

Timber building frame seen between banana palms

5 years ago today, this building was just a timber frame starting to take the shape you see today.

The donations and sponsorship of many Followings Foundation and BEC supporters saw the building take shape, but it is the passion and spirit of volunteers and local staff that have seen this building become the community hub it is today.

Hundreds of trainees and community members have visited the centre to learn, connect, celebrate and grow.

The building has fostered prosperity and also supported survival in the challenges of the last few years.

If you recognise this building you're one of the treasured people who has joined us on our journey.

Weebale. Weebale Nnyo. 🙏🏿 🙏🏻

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