Tejasvi Kumari

May 14, 20222 min

There is a saying: “As an empty sack can’t stand, neither can an empty stomach.”

The impact of the pandemic has taken a huge toll on Uganda’s economy. The cost of living and meeting basic needs has increased, whereas incomes have remained the same for those who stayed employed. John Ssentamu, Director of BEC, shares this message:

"Greetings to you all! I need to thank each of you for tirelessly working to see that some souls get hope in their lives and for your supporting efforts to create jobs for other souls.

Unfortunately, the economic situation in Uganda continues to be harsh on humans because costs of basic commodities are almost tripled and the income has remained the same or gone down.

This situation hasn't left out our staff here and students.

We are requesting more support from the friends of Followings Foundation and B.E.C so that these souls continue to get fed and keep the training going on. We won’t always have to ask for money, as we are on our journey to becoming self-sustaining.

So far we have two schools that have given us contracts to make them uniforms that are Good Shepherd Primary School with over 300 children and Kaziru Kindergarten and Primary School with 61 children. Senior tailoring students at BEC will work under the guidance of their trainer to sew the uniforms, with each student receiving a percentage per garment made.

BEC will purchase the material to make the uniforms and provide the equipment necessary. We are excited to offer this project to demonstrate the skills trainees have developed. Therefore, we need 3,678,300/= (AUD$1450) to purchase materials to begin fulfilling this contract.

Anyone that can support this campaign will have stood with us towards our journey to self-sustainability. We appreciate each of you for generously standing ready to support us and sail through the rough waters.”

We’re grateful to you, and your ongoing support of Followings and BEC. No matter how big or small, you’ve provided students with the tools to maintain learning. You’ve helped the community of Busubi remain standing on their own two feet. If you’d like to support BEC in this exciting next program, we invite you to make a donation:

